Rabu, 06 Juli 2016

Happy Îd ul-Fitr, al-Mubarak 1437H

Happy Îd ul-Fitri, Happy Îd al-Mubarak, dear friends and all, to end the one-month fasting, with any enjoying activities to celebrate your happiness, dear friends .. such as visiting your parents and other members of larger families, like what does robusta coffee farmer family from Medalsari village, Pangkalan sub-district in Karawang district of W. Java, Indonesia, on the northern slope of Mount Sanggabuana. On Monday Mrs Adang (with checkered headscarf in the above image), along with her two kids were saying good bye before leaving to visit her parent to the neighbouring district.

Pak Adang however could not join the visit that may take a couple of days or more, because none tend their livestocks. He keeps working, the least, during these holidays, just to secure while feeding them with looking for forage in the surrounding border of the forest ..

You can see him on motobike in the picture, while his daughter already sitting in front of him, waiting for his wife as she greeted a relative before leaving. Another male relative who helped to take his son (not seen) as he drove them to nearest public transport stopping place at Cariu sub-district in Bogor, about 12 kilometer away from their hamlet of Tegaldeeng.

“We arrive at the destination only before nightfall,” Ms. Adang told me informing the long trip to her parent’s village of Leuwiliang in westernmost of Bogor district as they departed a quite while before noon. There is yet direct transport means in many remote areas in the country! They had to take several changing public transport means ..

These holidays also particularly mark quite a pause from coffee harvesting activities, particularly for those farmers who really want to improve the quality of coffee beans, as we have been proposing them with a fresh post-harvest framework, independently. Farmers ever since joining the wagon to pick coffee cherries carelessly have no more the urge for post-holiday coffee harvest as there is no even remaining cherries.

The decision to pick the cherries as quick as possible, regardless the ripeness or unripeness, the color, etc., has ended up into indeed bad coffee you would not believe as it may taste like sewer water ..  yet, for those farmers, quick money is all they need before the on-going Idul Fitri festivities, notoriously known for abundance if not thriftlessness .. as you may see also during Christmas .. Hope this is not the hardest part to independently improve #coffee #quality for your enjoyment .. **

Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

Palintang Microlot Coffee from West Java, Indonesia

Many have asked us about our newly presented coffee, the plants of which are cultivated at Palintang hamlet in Bandung, W. Java of Indonesia. What is the taste? Apparently many of those interested and coffee lovers in the country find it curious about the "traceability" of Palintang coffee. This coffee seems to appear from nowhere.

You may not believe but some really do that the northern Bandung mountainous stretches were the most original locations in which the Dutch colonies during eighteenth century grew coffee plants in the country, and later the coffee of which excelled throughout the world. If it is really so then this Palintang java is among the most newly emerged coffees from the original Java (real Java Island) coffee. And yet what is the taste character?

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

Kopi Palintang

KAMI sudah ditanya oleh banyak pihak: Apa itu sebenarnya kopi Palintang? Rupanya banyak peminat dan pencinta kopi mulai penasaran tentang transparansi dari kopi ini. Ini memang “janji” kami selama ini. Yg paling penting kiranya adalah temuan kami atas karakter utama dari citarasa kopi Palintang. Ada tiga karakter citarasa kopi yg kami temukan dari tiga jenis pengelolaan pasca-panen, yi.: proses natural/kering, proses “madu” (honey) dan proses “basah” (full washed).

Proses natural telah membantu kami untuk upaya mendefinisikan apa citarasa utama dari kopi ini. Kami mencium keharuman pisang selai tapi setelah kopi beristirahat lebih lama tercium pula citarasa nangka, tapi juga gula merah (gulali), vanilla, kacang-kacangan, plus juga citarasa jeruk segar. Proses “madu” rupanya memperlembut sensasi rasa dari kopi Palintang ini. Terus-terang saya suka dg sensasi lembut dari hasil proses madu yang segar ini. Pisang selai, nangka, vanilla, kacang tetap berasa citarasanya dari kopi proses madu ini tapi dalam dimensi yang lebih halus.

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Cobalah Kopi 'Baru': Java Taman Dadar

Kalau tidak "labor intensive",
kopi ini tak akan selaziiz kenyataannya.
Tks +nanang trianggana
kiriman foto ini.
KALAU Anda sekalian bertanya pada kami: Apakah ada “barang baru”? Yak, inilah kopi yg “baru” saja datang itu, grès, new arrival, yang kami coba tawarkan utk teman2 sekalian. Rasanya bagaimana? Pasti merangsang selera .. : Legenda di balik bayang2 warisan sejarah pulau Jawa: JAVA TAMAN DADAR.

Ada aroma-kering: kayu atau akar-akaran yg berasa manis/wangi sekaligus kacang gurih berasa coklat [asyik, dan bikin penasaran ga?]; ada juga yg menengarai mengandung wangi dari ubi jalar; Aroma-basah: saputan uap rasa segar, coklat kuat; Kesegaran-nya bagaimana? Benar bahwa terkandung rasa segar nan asam, meskipun banyak kajian menyebut rasa asam itu bertingkat rendah, tapi mungkin untuk lidah publik Indonesia pun sudah akan bisa dirasakan lumayan kuat. Tapi ini bukanlah ‘kesegaran’ yg tajam sehingga bisa mengganggu  rongga mulut Anda, sekalipun rasa segar itu merata bersamaan dengan  ketebalan emulsi kopi ini (body, viscosity). Anda mungkin akan merasakan betapa kopi ini bagai memenuhi seluruh rongga mulut.

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Kopi Lanang, Kopi Jomblo

"Kopi Lanang" dlm bentuk kopi beras
dari kebun Rengganis, Jember, Jatim
BELUM LAMA INI seorang kawan bertanya, apakah kopi lanang dpt dibudidayakan secara khusus? Tapi, tampaknya, kawan penanya ini sebenarnya sekaligus juga kurang mengenal apa itu “kopi lanang” .. Kami berniat menawarkan suatu tanggapan atas pertanyaan ini tapi sekaligus juga membuka diskusi kalau ada yg tertarik membahasnya. Silakan ..

Tampaknya perlu kita tanggapi terlebih dahulu latar belakang pertanyaan tt kopi lanang (peaberry) ini. Sebenarnya kami merasa ini pertanyaan agak 'kurang umum' dlm pengertian kami tak sangka pertanyaan ini muncul, tapi sekaligus kami sadari jangan2 kami keliru mengira krn kurang pengetahuan atau kurang keyakinan, karena jangan2 memang suatu ketika kopi lanang dpt dibudidayakan yak .. Selama ini kami pikir dan kami anggap begitu saja benar bahwa timbulnya kopi lanang merupakan fenomen alamiah shgg utk merekayasa secara khusus tentunya diperlukan teknologi genetik yg sangat canggih, di luar kemampuan orang awam.